Mavic R-Sys

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Postitusi: 12101
Liitunud: 31. 03. 2003. 11:26

Mavic R-Sys

Postitus Postitas Mati » 14. 06. 2009. 22:15

Kuldar kirjutas:mnt teemat sisse pookides on Mavicul väike tiigrihüpe vormistamisel:
Ksyrium ES-ga võrreldes 130g kaaluvõitu ja 30% enam külgjäikust.

küll selle nipiga ka baigimeestelt raha ära korjatakse :)
Poogime edasi ... tundub, et see tiigrihüpe on käesolevaks ajaks kujunenud reaalselt pigem ühe vigase kiisu araks sammuks. Kõik me teame et esimene sats R-Sys'e kutsuti tagasi. Nüüd on ka nö post-recall versiooniga hirmutav kogemus olemas.


Tooks sellest loost välja Mavicu kommi - ... According to Mavic, this is the first such incident involving this second-generation R-Sys. ... Although Mavic representatives were careful not to draw conclusions — none of them saw the accident — it was suggested that perhaps rider error could have caused the wheel to fail through a loss of control. ...
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Kivipallur: "Tark teab, tugev teeb trenni!"

Postitusi: 251
Liitunud: 07. 06. 2005. 09:58

Re: Mavic R-Sys

Postitus Postitas Tonis_T » 15. 06. 2009. 08:45 ... ps-on.html
Kah väikene lõik, millega vähemalt mina olen küll igat pidi nõus:
You've got to admire Mavic's audacity at this point. They design a wheel that is obviously flawed, recall it, issue a replacement, and then when that replacement fails in the same way--under someone from VeloNews!--they tell him he may have been using it wrong. Never mind the fact that it's pretty hard to destroy a bicycle wheel through "rider error," unless that error involves riding into a wall at 30mph. From what I can tell, all Ben Delaney was doing was racing on the wheel and turning left. Of course, it's entirely possible that's where the error lies. Perhaps the R-Sys is directional, and he was using the "right only" version. (Mavic's new directional wheelsets save weight by shaving material from the side opposite the one on which you're turning.)


Mine “Jupid”