1. leht 1-st

advice please

Postitatud: 08. 05. 2013. 15:14
Postitas joshadorescats
After a long cold period of not doing much I resumed cycling. I have a road/audax bike and all the kits and reside in Kalamaja. I used to ride a lot back in Australia so not a beginner but never raced.

Unless I ride in the early hours riding on the road means that I have to ride alongside the cars and trucks. Riding on the shared path means having to ride avoiding the joggers with headphones or the alcoholics. Can anyone suggest me a good loop route for casual road training of 30-50km which I can start from Kalamaja? I usually head for Viimsi or Kakumae but it's a long and dangerous way to reach the safely ridable paths or roads. Can anyone suggest an alternative or two? Also if anyone male or female, young or old wishes to join me for the ride and cafe stop afterwards that would be cool!!



Re: advice please

Postitatud: 12. 05. 2013. 22:57
Postitas hab
I usually go from Kalamaja towards end of tram line and couple of stops before end station turn left towards stroomi beach while going for kakumäe, I find it most comfortable way. Towards Pirita I assume through harbour area is best option.

Next month there should be starting again at least one weekly (last year it was on Wednesdays) morning ride (starting at 630 from Vabaduse väljak) with ending in some old town cafe for breakfast/coffee.

Re: advice please

Postitatud: 13. 05. 2013. 12:55
Postitas joshadorescats
Are those Wednesday rides commercially organised (i.e. costs something, need to register) or just come and join basis?

I will also want to vary the regular and otherwise boring routes I mentioned earlier - I will check out those cyclable shared paths around Pirita inland areas for different loops and scenery... This way I can't really go fast and need to slow or stop at crossroads yet hills will offer me chances to change gears and riding positions....

Re: advice please

Postitatud: 13. 05. 2013. 14:30
Postitas Fre
The Wed morning rides are free and do not need registering but they are organized by Hawaii Express. Their other group rides are here: http://www.hawaii.ee/?id=1206&PHPSESSID ... 88832980ee (I am not sure if you read any Estonian...). Tho Monday ride is for women and a tad slower and on a beginner level. The Thursday ride from Rocca al Mare says the speed is 30+ and looking at a few posted tracks I have noticed that the 30+ can be 39 km/h. Thursday from Pirita is described as 30-32 km/h, I do not know if they stay between this range. All group rides are fee.

Re: advice please

Postitatud: 13. 05. 2013. 22:15
Postitas joshadorescats
I have not measured the ave. speed recently since I do not ride on paths without having to slow down to avoid joggers or stop for crossings etc. Back in Perth, Western Australia the bike paths along the highway or rivers merely required to stop or slow but dead straight in most places so average was pretty good. Here in Tallinn after such a long winter I need to condition myself better to join the groups!

I keep eyes open for the organised rides. Thanks for the info, folks :wink: