Tour de France 2015

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Liitunud: 17. 01. 2003. 22:23

Tour de France 2015

Postitus Postitas erikr » 22. 10. 2014. 12:27

Etapid olemas.
Sprinterite peod peetakse algul ära ja siis algab tuur.

mis väljakutse? kiirabil ja politseil on väljakutse, minul on töö... velo clubbers

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Postitusi: 12101
Liitunud: 31. 03. 2003. 11:26

Re: Tour de France 2015

Postitus Postitas Mati » 06. 11. 2014. 20:17

Seda meest te järgmine aasta enam ei näe. Didi "the Devil" Senft läheb 62-aastaselt ja peale 20+ aastast karjääri pensile ära. Põhjused kehvake tervis ja sponsorite vähesus.


Didi the Devil has finally decided to put down his trident and retire at the age of 62, according to the German newspaper Bild. The 62-year-old, whose real name is Dieter Senft, cited ill health and a lack of sponsorship as his reasons. Senft told the paper that the money earned by sponsorship has dwindled to just 500 Euro a month, partially due to German television's refusal to show the Tour de France.

Senft first made an appearance at the 1993 Tour de France but has since expanded to the World Championships, the Giro d’Italia and many of the cycling’s biggest events. His eccentric nature and devil costume has given him cult status to cycling fans around the world and led to a number of companies sponsoring him. He missed his first Tour de France in 2012 after undergoing an operation for a blood clot.
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