mtb kalendars LV + EE

Läti külavõistlusest TDF-ni
Postitusi: 123
Liitunud: 08. 12. 2004. 13:07

mtb kalendars LV + EE

Postitus Postitas JBB » 22. 11. 2007. 16:35

Kasutaja avatar
dr Holden
Postitusi: 2709
Liitunud: 14. 05. 2004. 11:25

Postitus Postitas dr Holden » 23. 11. 2007. 00:05

It's some kind of team competition, participants are teams from Est-Lat, maybe from Lie, Fin, Swe :wink:
3 stages -
1. Team relay in Pirita
2. Marathon about 90km in Estonia in the end of July or the first days of August
3. Renewed Smiltene about 100 km at the end of Sept

That's all I know, real organizers are Pro-Club from Est and Igo Japins from Your country!

I even did'nt check the real dates, I have wrote them upon my memory or different talks. :?

Postitusi: 445
Liitunud: 11. 01. 2008. 20:19

Re: mtb kalendars LV + EE

Postitus Postitas raamimurdja » 11. 01. 2008. 20:23

siin on nüüd mõningast infot võimalik leida. ... 05/lang/5/


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